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Sunday, May 1, 2011

Training for the 5K

Memorial Day weekend I'm running a 5k with my brother. This will be the first race of my life.
Generally I don't believe a body ought to run unless chased but I was sold on the idea that the race
ended at a brewery.

I avoid WebMD. Type in the symptom soft pain in the armpit and the f#cking thing says you have the plague. Not, you may have an ingrown hair. Not, it could be a really big zit. Nope, they suggest you may have The Black Death, like its a common toss off event.

My knee was making snap, crackle, pop noises last week so I looked up the symptoms everywhere except WebMD and it looks like I have runners kneeEssentially my knee wasn't travelling up and down properly and it shaved off some cartilage. Fun stuff.

The internet suggested I could be laid up for weeks and I believed them. My left leg wouldn't bend all the way and my right leg wasn't much better. I popped a few pills and learned the acronym R.I.C.E (Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation).

I'm back on the elliptical now. Mild resistance, no incline.

Some days you just don't feel like going to the gym. You have no pep for cardio and no strength for weight training. This is my Rise to the Occasion playlist, if you don't have one already I highly suggest you create one.

Eye of the Tiger- Survivor
Living in America- James Brown
The Power of Love- Huey Lewis and the News
Burning Heart- Survivor
Neutron Dance- Pointer Sisters
Glory of Love- Peter Cetera
Good Enough- Cyndi Lauper
The Heat is On- Glenn Frey
Real American- Jim Johnston

Even hung over if I pop this on I am slaying dragons on that elliptical.
In the comments section below feel free to share your playlist.